1) On your site, up on your admin dashboard, click Modules. Scroll down to Membersify and click the ENABLED checkbox next to Membersify access control. Scroll down and click Save configuration.


2) Next, on your admin dashboard, click Structure. Click on Content Type. Then click on Add Content Type. For this tutorial, I'm going to name the content, Premium Content. In the description, we'll put something like, "This is content that users will need to pay to see." Then we're going to scroll down and click on Membersify Settings on the sidebar.


3) Check the box that's next to Restrict access. Then we'll choose which roles that will be allowed to see this content. For this tutorial, we'll give access to both Silver and Gold (you've probably named your plans something other than Silver and Gold. These are just example plans for the sake of this tutorial).


4) Under the Marketing message, you can fill in a message to users who won't be able to see the content. It's recommended that a call to action be placed in this field. There are plenty of customizable tokens for use to make the reply more personalized. Click save.


5) Now let's add some content by clicking on Add content up in the admin navigation bar. Now click Premium Content. We'll title it "Example Premium Content 1" For this tutorial, we're just going to put filler text in. You can choose to edit the summary of the content, which can be helpful, since as was mentioned up in the last step, you can place a teaser token in to show non premium users a summary of what the page is about.


6) Scrolling down to the Membersify Access Control in the sidebar, you can see that you have access to restriction access features per each Premium content page you create. Now you've already set the default settings of what access users will have with a standard Premium content page, but you can change those settings per page if desired. Click save.


7) Now we can test it and view it as an anonymous user and a Silver or Gold user.


**SIDE NOTE: Also, in the Configuration tab in your admin dashboard, click Membersify settings under Membersify. Scroll down and click on Purchase Links. Here you'll find the purchase links for all the plans. That might be useful to know where they're at so you can easily drop them in places.